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"Made It Myself" 55-Gal. Sprayer
When LeRoy Momper needed a small sprayer, he decided to try to put together something on his own.
  “I checked the price on a 55-gal. sprayer at a local store. It was about $800. I decided I could build my own better and cheaper,” he says.
  He used a 55-gal. plastic barrel mounted on a trailer that he built from pieces of scrap tubing, adding wheels from an old garden tractor that he already had. The 3/4-in. boomless spray nozzle at the rear sprays a 16-ft. wide pattern. The system is operated by a 12-volt pump that runs off the tractor battery and is wired to a toggle switch mounted on the dash.
  He got the barrel from a local DeLaval dealer and installed an elbow-shaped pvc fitting at one end for filling.
  “I use it to apply Roundup before I plant my food plots and also to apply liquid fertilizer,” says Momper. “The boomless nozzle on back sprays a perfect 16-ft. wide pattern. I like it because there are no booms sticking out the sides that can catch on objects. The sprayer is well balanced, so I can easily move it around by hand even when the barrel is full.”
  He used two 3/4 by 5-in. grade 8 bolts to make stub axles for each wheel, welding the bolts onto a metal frame that supports the trailer’s plywood floor. The barrel is strapped to metal brackets bolted onto both sides of the floor.
  “All I purchased was the pump, a spray wand with 15 ft. of hose, and some fittings. My total cost was about $110,” says Momper.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, LeRoy Momper, 215 Lawrence St., Fredonia, Wis. 53021 (ph 262 692-2093; leemary66@gmail.com).

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2013 - Volume #37, Issue #3