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Smartphone-Controlled Load Sensors Help Fill Trucks
A South Dakota farmer’s invention takes the job of filling grain trucks off the dirty jobs list. With electronic monitoring and sensors inside the truck box, just one person can do the job. The driver sits in the comfort of the truck’s cab with a smartphone or tablet and watches the grain fill the trailer to the maximum weight. It also guides him when to pull ahead to even out the load.
    The Load Judge, patent-pending and built in the U.S., is expected to be in full production by the end of the year at the Groton, S. Dak., business, Leading Edge Industries. The system’s six sensors (easily attached with industrial double-sided tape), a moisture sensor, quick attach plug and the Wi-Fi box are easy to install and sell for $6,000 to $6,500.
    Download the app and the system is ready to go, says Shawn Gengerke, who invented the Load Judge, because of his own frustration loading grain.
    “It’s uncomfortable climbing up and down the trailer. It’s a hard job. You’re breathing in dust. It’s just a dirty job,” Gengerke says.
    The only other option has been cameras, but it doesn’t take long for them to get filled with dust and become ineffective, he notes. He worked with electronics and computer experts for a year and a half to develop Load Judge.
    It also includes a moisture sensor when blending grain and a bushel estimator.
    When the driver gets a certified weight when unloading at the elevator, he can calibrate the system and save the load level on his phone or device. By calibrating each grain such as wet corn, dry corn, beans, etc., the Load Judge maximizes every load – reducing loads that are too light wasting time and fuel or loads too heavy that incur a hefty, overweight fine.
    “Once you set the load line, that never changes. That’s going to make you more consistent,” Gengerke says, adding that by increasing efficiency and avoiding fines for being overweight, the system can pay for itself quickly.
    He adds that the best way to see how the system works is to watch the video on Leading Edge’s website. Users don’t need to be tech savvy to figure out the system, which has a 2-year warranty.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Leading Edge Industries, 12702 406th Ave., Groton, S. Dak. 57445 (ph 605 397-2020; lucas@leadingedgeind.com; www.loadjudge.com).

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2013 - Volume #37, Issue #6