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"Dryernet" Saves Heat From Your Clothes Dryer
You can save the heat from your clothes dryer and release it back into your house during cold weather, with a “Dryernet” that uses the same fabric as the Demo Air Nets for cleaning shop air (see the 2014 Best of FARM SHOW).  
  It attaches to the dryer’s vent hose and filters the dryer’s air into the house. It’s made from a special fabric with tiny holes that permit air to flow through, yet don’t allow lint or dust to escape.  
  To install the Dryernet, you disconnect the dryer’s vent hose from the vent pipe and pull the Dryernet over the end of the hose. Then pull a bungee cord firmly around the hose and use the clip on the opening of the Dryernet to keep it tight.
  “It helps heat your home by retaining heat that would normally be vented outside and directing it back into the house,” says Jim Atkinson, Washington, Mo. “The air comes out at about 140 degrees. An average family of 4 can save about $20 per month on their heating bill. The fabric removes 99.5 percent of all contaminants in the dryer air.
  “Another advantage is that it also increases the humidity in the house. In many cases you don’t even need to use a humidifier to raise the humidity; your clothes dryer does it for you.”
  When the filter gets dirty simply take the Dryernet off the hose, turn it inside out and shake it out. “You can throw it in the washer to wash it, and once it’s clean you can put it back on the dryer. It’ll dry out while you’re drying the clothes,” says Atkinson. “You’ll only have to clean the Dryernet after every 10 to 15 uses, rather than once per load like with a screen.”
  The Dryernet can only be used on electric dryers. It sells for $41.99 plus $5.25 S&H.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Jim Atkinson, 216 Elm St., Washington, Mo. 63090 (ph 636 388-2808; dryernet@gmail.com; www.dryernet.com).

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2014 - Volume #38, Issue #1