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"Snuff-Style" Grease Cartridge Dispenser
“It’s really handy to use and hardly takes up any space in my shop,” says Art Hertz, Fairfax, S. Dak., who recently sent FARM SHOW photos of the homemade grease cartridge dispenser he made out of a long piece of 2 1/2-in. dia. pvc pipe.
  “It’s based on the same idea used in stores to hold cans of chewing tobacco. You pull a cartridge out of the holder and another one immediately comes down to take its place. The pipe is long enough to store almost an entire case of cartridges.”
   The pipe is strapped on between a pair of steel posts that support the ceiling in Hertz’s shop. He cut a 1-ft. long rectangular slot at the bottom of the pipe. Then he glued a plastic cap into the bottom end of the pipe and drilled a hole in the center of the cap, just big enough for his finger to fit into it.
  “To remove a cartridge, I stick my finger up through the hole and lift the cartridge to pull it out of the slot, about 1/4 in. The next cartridge immediately drops down in its place,” says Hertz.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Art Hertz, 36717 Quarry Rd., Fairfax, S. Dak. 57335 (ph 605 654-2250; cell 605 830-1001).

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2014 - Volume #38, Issue #2