Quills Stop Birds From Roosting
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Stainless steel "porcupine quills" keep birds from roosting on barn roofs, ledges, rafters. Different sizes available for different size birds. A kit that includes 8 ft. of quills in 16-in. long pieces, together with mounting hardware, sells for $45.
Contact: Nixalite, 1025 16th Ave., P.O. Box 727, East Moline, Ill. 61244 (ph 800 624-1189 or 309 755-8771).
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Quills Stop Birds From Roosting MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT Pest Animals 18-1-4 Stainless steel "porcupine quills" keep birds from roosting on barn roofs, ledges, rafters. Different sizes available for different size birds. A kit that includes 8 ft. of quills in 16-in. long pieces, together with mounting hardware, sells for $45.
Contact: Nixalite, 1025 16th Ave., P.O. Box 727, East Moline, Ill. 61244 (ph 800 624-1189 or 309 755-8771).
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