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Super H Memorialized On Gravestone
When Russell Cunningham’s family visits his gravesite, they see an engraving of a Super H Farmall that was and is still a big part of the Cunningham family. Russell’s son David says the engraving was only fitting, as his dad bought the tractor in 1956 and continued to drive it until 2 weeks before his death in 2006.
  “My dad always said he wanted to be buried out behind the barn with the crank for the H in his hand,” says Cunningham.
  While that wasn’t possible, the family did the next best thing. Cunningham says the company that produced the marker for the family was happy to oblige.
  “They’ll engrave about anything that isn’t illegal,” he says. “My sister brought in a die cast of an H, and they used it for the pattern.”
  While the tractor is still in great shape, Cunningham says the daily use has taken its toll. So many members of the family have climbed on over the years that the hex nuts that clamp the drawbar to the rear axle have worn down. Cunningham notes they are right where you put your foot when climbing on.
  “The tractor has now spent 58 years on this farm, and it’s become a member of the family,” he says. “It is still being used on a daily basis.”
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, David R. Cunningham, 63444 Wintergreen Rd., Lore City, Ohio 43755 (ph 740 489-5813).

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2014 - Volume #38, Issue #3