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Front-Mounted "Turf Cutter"
Tony Haney has a slick way to remove unwanted turf. His garden tractor-mounted turf cutter slices and dices turf before he takes a blade to it.
    “I run back and forth over the section in a grid pattern and then at a diagonal,” says Haney. “It tears up the sod so I can blade it away easily.”
    The turf cutter is simply a shank and housing off an old cultivator given to him by a farmer friend. Haney did a little welding to fabricate a mount that matched the existing mount for the hydraulic front blade on his X728 Deere.
    “All it took was a little welding and a couple of hitch pins to match the bottom holes,” says Haney.
    “I can go down about 6 in. with it if I want,” he says. “It also works great to dig out weeds and grass alongside concrete pads. It pulls up everything.”
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Tony Haney, 2138 Redwood Rd., Irwin, Iowa 51446 (ph 712 782-3378).

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2014 - Volume #38, Issue #4