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Toolbox Attached To Deere 318D Skid Loader Arms
Daniel and Frances Huppert, River Falls, Wis.: Their Deere 318D skid loader has a small toolbox located under the seat in the cab. However, the toolbox is too small and hard to reach. So Dan decided to attach a toolbox to the upper part of both loader arms.
    “It puts my tools outside the skid loader where they’re easier to reach,” says Dan.
    He bought two 15-in. toolboxes, as well as a 1/4-in. thick rubber mat, 2 snap pins, and four 1/4 by 3/8-in. hard steel bolts. He welded 2 bolts to the upper part of each arm, using the toolbox to measure where they should go. He cut two 3 by 4-in. rubber mats for each arm and bolted them on. “The mat makes a good surface to set the toolboxes on,” says Dan.
    He measured and drilled 1/4-in. holes in the toolboxes to match the bolts, then set the toolboxes over the bolts and onto the mats.
Next, he cut two 6 by 15-in. mats and set one mat inside each toolbox. The mats keep the tools from sliding around. He also attached a snap pin to each toolbox latch to keep the toolboxes from accidentally opening up while operating the skid loader.

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2014 - Volume #38, Issue #5