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Bubbler Agitates, Aerates Liquid Manure
"It's the most cost-effective and efficient liquid manure aerator/agitator system on the market," says the British manufacturer about the "Bubbler", an innovative aeration system for slurry tanks and lagoons.
The system consists of a fan-shaped network of plastic pipes installed in the bottom of the lagoon or tank. It features controls that let you pump air into the pipes sequentially, from one area of the tank to the next - rather than aerate the entire tanks at once - so it requires only a small single-phase motor, according to inventor Michael Lees.
The "Bubbler's" 6-vane rotary compressor forces air through pipework via solenoid valves sequentially controlled by a solid-state programmable timer. Air at 15 psi is pumped for two minutes into various sections of the pipe. Size of bubbles is care-fully calibrated by type of nozzle and waste - swine, dairy or beef - is being treated.
Handles from 1,000 to 1 million gal. Ranges from about $3,000 to about $4,500.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Rockbourne Civil Engineering Ltd., Old Brickyard Road, Sandleheath Industrial Estate, Fordingbridge, Hampshire, Great Britain SP6 1PA (ph 0425-652409/ 656969; fax 0425-656583).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2