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Log Hauler Equipped With Options
Phil Harris gets double duty out of his power winch-equipped log hauler. He can use it to pick up the end of a log or to tow a trailer that he can load either with the winch cable or a tractor loader.
  “I have a small crossbar on back with a hitch ball mounted to it that connects to either side of the arch with shackles,” says Harris. “I can unhook one side to swing it out of the way while I pick up a log or remove both pins and take it off entirely.”
  Aside from buying the winch, wheel hubs and the ball mount coupler for the tongue, Harris made the log hauler from salvaged steel. He used 2-in. steel tubing and angle iron for the frame of the hauler and reinforced 1 1/2-in. angle iron for the arch. Harris welded the wheel hubs to lengths of 2-in. square tubing on the frame.
  “Most of the steel was scrap discarded by the local phone company,” says Harris. “I welded a hook to the center of the arch to secure the log.”
  Where the frame meets the ends of the arch, the joint is reinforced with flat steel gussets and steel strap that angles between arch legs and frame. Flat bar also reinforces the front end of the frame, coming together with the steel tubing at the tongue.
  When he’s not using a trailer, Harris simply backs the arch up to the chosen log or pulls it into place with the winch. He then hooks the cable thorough a pulley on the arch to the log and lifts it into place.
  “Once the log is lifted into the arch, I hook a length of chain from the top of the arch, around the log and release the pressure on the cable,” says Harris. “The chain holds the log in place until I’m ready to unhook it, at which time, I reverse the process.”
  If hauling an extra long log, he will slip the trailer under the other end. He then chains the log to the trailer tongue, and it trails like a commercial logger’s dolly axle. Once the log is chained to the hauler’s arch, it’s ready to go, easily pulled by an ATV or small tractor.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Phillip Harris,, R.R. 3 Lighthouse Rd., Digby, Nova Scotia, Canada B0V 1A0 (ph 902 245-2447).

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2015 - Volume #39, Issue #2