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Handy Ties Made From Electrical Wire
Cat. 5 wire can be used to make handy, inexpensive multi-purpose ties, says Jim Rist of Granbury, Texas. He recently sent FARM SHOW samples of the ties he makes by pulling wires out of damaged sheathing and then cutting it into the desired length.

    “It’s easier to use than baling wire or zip ties and makes a great substitute. It’s also reusable,” says Rist. “After using it once, you’ll never again throw away a scrap piece of Cat. 5 wire.”

    He uses a stainless steel linesman’s scissors, often used by the phone industry, to score the sheathing. Then he pulls the sheathing off by hand to expose the wires, which come out loose and twisted in pairs.

    “You can cut the wires to any length, and you don’t need a special cutters like you do with zip ties,” says Rist. “I use the wires to tie garden hoses and extension cords together and to hang different kinds of stuff in my garage. The wires don’t take up much space so you can keep them in your truck or toolbox, or at work in your desk drawer.”

    Rist says the wire is commonly available from local construction sites and cable companies. “Go to a construction project and it’s likely an electrician will have tons of this stuff on hand. Cable companies often give the stuff away, even if it just gets nicked a little, because it doesn’t meet their standards. Of course, you can also buy Cat. 5 wire at computer and hardware stores, but it’s more fun to repurpose it.”

    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Jim Rist, 2708 E. Hwy. 377, Granbury, Texas 76049 (ph 817 573-1150; jim@bennettsrv.com).

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2015 - Volume #39, Issue #2