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Hawk Bird Scarer
You can protect your crops from damage caused by birds with our new "hawk" bird scarer made in Australia. The full-size imitation hawk is made of weatherproof plastic. It mounts on top of an upright pipe in a hovering position horizontal to the ground. Or, it can be suspended by fishing line between tall trees, buildings, or poles so that it moves up and down in the breeze like it's really hunting.
Birds instinctively fear hawks so they're scared to come within sight of our replica. Before a hawk attacks birds, it hovers over its prey, then dives head first. It attacks birds both on the ground and in the air so this scarer will work in any location. The higher you can position it, the larger the area you'll protect. Birds attack the outside perimeter of a field first, so if you can protect the edges you'll protect the entire crop. The only bird that may not be completely scared off is the house sparrow. It also won't deter bats.
I recommend placing pole-mounted hawks 100 yards apart around the edges of fields. The hawk's head should face away from the crop. Sells for $25 (Australian) plus freight. (Trevor Richards, Tisara Pty Ltd., P.O. Box 36, Morpeth, N.S. W. 2321 ph 049 33 1407)

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #1