2015 - Volume #BFS, Issue #15, Page #47
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The Value of Spiked Closing Wheels
in wet heavy textured soils, standard press wheels tend to smear the soil over the seeds and do not break up the sidewall compaction
left by the double disc openers. Then when a hot windy day comes after planting in wet soil conditions, the seed V will often crack back open, exposing the seeds.
If the seed V does stay shut after planting with standard closing wheels, many times the sidewalls of the seed V stay compacted, not letting the roots of the plants penetrate the sidewalls. If they cannot penetrate the sidewall, the roots will not build a good brace root system, and the plants will tend to fall over later in the season.
Schaffert Mfg. Co.’s Mohawk and Zipper Closing Wheels eliminate these problems. Farm Journal agronomist Ken Ferrie conducted
a three-year study examining closing wheel designs, including the Mohawk. He classified the Mohawk as a firming spiked closing wheel, which are designed to provide
both crushing action of the sidewall and firming above and around the seed. Ferrie concluded that in the toughest no-till conditions,
wheels like the Mohawk get the job done the best.
Mohawk Wheels compact the soil around the seed and break up sidewall compaction
more efficiently than straight-fingered wheels. The non-aggressive, 1” angled blunt spikes feather the soil in the furrow with their wide track design, while simultaneously
applying pressure to ensure the furrow is stitched shut. As the spikes close they create indentations which allows moisture to penetrate
better, also increasing the seed-to-soil contact. Other closing wheels on the market are aggressive and have the potential to flip seeds up and out of the furrow. You will not have this problem with the Mohawk.
Mohawk spikes are made of heavy duty cast steel for longer wear, and they penetrate 1” deep to not disturb the seed. Use two Mohawks
for the very best closing. The Mohawk Wheel is easy to install, using existing wheels and bearings and replacing the original tire with a Mohawk ring, saving you dollars. The Mohawk ring is only $45 per side, or $70 for the complete Mohawk assembly.
Zipper Wheels share many features with the Mohawk. One distinct feature the Zipper Wheel has over the Mohawk is that it is more aggressive and breaks up sidewall compaction
better. Zipper Wheels pull more soil from the sidewall in over the seed because the spikes are angled out and down. The spike’s tubular design allows it to release soil and eliminate plugging while compacting the soil around the seed. Unlike the Mohawk, which takes a plastic rim, the Zipper takes a metal rim. The complete Zipper assembly is $90 per side.
The Mohawk and Zipper work in all soil types. These two 13” spiked closing wheels also work very well with the G2 2x2 liquid fertilizer disc.
Schaffert Mfg. Co., 71495 Rd. 397,
Indianola, NE 69034; 800-382-2607;
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