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Mid-Mount Caddy Applies Dry Or Liquid Fertilizer
Progressive Farm Products, Hudson, Ill., says it will soon offer its deep placement "air blower" dry fertilizer bander with a 3-pt., mid-mount toolbar positioned ahead of either a dry fertilizer box or 1,000-gal. liquid fertilizer tank.
A rear telescoping hitch allows you to pull an anhydrous tank and apply dry fertilizer and anhydrous at the same time. By mounting residue cleaner attachments on the toolbar you can also use it to do strip tillage.
"The mid-mount toolbar makes it easier to stay on the row and improves the view from the tractor cab," says John Wolf, marketing manager. "The tractor's weight is transferred through the hitch, allowing the forward pull of the tractor to push the toolbar shanks into the soil."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Progressive Farm Products, Rt. 1, Box 17, Hudson, Ill. 61748 (ph 309 454-1564).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2