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Shed Framed With Center Pivot Pipe
Doug Dumler built a 60 by 60-ft. shed with a 30 by 110-ft. “ leg” off one side for less than $70,000 in materials and labor by using old center pivot pipe for framing.
  “My biggest cost was the $24,000 to $26,000 for sheeting for the exterior and $10,000 to $12,000 for concrete,” says Dumler. “All the framing was recycled center pivot pipe except for the 30-ft. long, 4 by 12 I-beams for the door frames, which were recycled from a county bridge project.
  “I bought one set of pipes from a 1/4-mile pivot that had been salvaged out at a dealer for about $1,000,” says Dumler. “I picked up 2 sets of pipes and all the angle iron at a farm auction for only $175. Including gas and borrowing a truck to haul it, the total cost was less than $400.”
  Vertical pipes were set in holes filled with concrete. Horizontal pipes were attached to the verticals using gussets that wrapped around the uprights.
  For roof framing on the 60 by 60-ft. shed, Dumler used a combination of rolled pipe and round pipe. Here he cut the round pipe ends square, put angle iron on the ends, and welded it to the rolled pipe.
  The pipe-framed structure has already passed a wind test. Recently a tornado passed within a mile of Dumler’s farmstead.
  “We had 70 to 80 mph winds, but we had no problems,” he says. “We didn’t even lose any trim.”
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Doug Dumler, 16905 BB Rd., Montezuma, Kan. 67867 (ph 620 430-1274; diamondlimo@yahoo.com).

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2015 - Volume #39, Issue #4