1980 - Volume #4, Issue #3, Page #14
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Bale Unroller Mounts On Tractor Front
"It's the simplest way to handle an everyday job. Works great," says John Diehl about the Speedy Bale Roller whic i he; aThrg with fellow Kansas farmer Jess Southard, invented and now market.The new unroller consists of a base frame that mounts on the front of your tractor or truck, supporting a hinged frame with two 14-in. auto wheels and tires. The tires raise up 2 to 3 ft. from ground level for transport.
"It can be fitted with a single hydraulic cylinder, or you can raise and lower it manually," Diehl told FARM SHOW.
To operate it, simply lower the
wheels to the ground and drive against a bale. The free-wheeling wheels will keep it rolling. "Even lopsided bales roll easily when pushed by the tires," says Diehl.
You can unroll a good bale - whether for feed or as bedding - in just one and a half minutes, or if desired, feed just a portion of a bale. The attachment removes easily from the tractor with quick-tack pins.
Sells for $500. Tires and hydraulics extra.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, D-S Manufacturing Co., Hoyt, Kan. 66440 (ph 913 966-2445, or 986-6450).

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