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Log Splitter Converted To “Brake” Steel
I made a press brake to fit my log splitter that lets me bend metal without the need for another expensive machine,” says Forrest Robinson, Westmoreland, N.H.
  “I can use 3 different V-shaped brackets with it, depending on the thickness of the metal I want to bend. The biggest of them can bend 1/4-in. thick, 16-ga. steel,” says Robinson.
  Each V-shaped piece is welded to a 1-in. thick steel plate that rests against the splitter’s push plate. The welded-together blocks are held in place on both sides by a pair of big set screws. To convert back to splitting wood, Robinson loosens the set screws and then pulls the press brake off the push plate.
  “I’ve used it to bend steel up to 5 in. wide and 1/4 in. thick, and to bend 1/2-in. round stock to form handles for my wood burning stove. The splitter’s 5 hp electric motor has plenty of power,” says Robinson.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Forrest A. Robinson, Rt. 12, Westmoreland, N.H. 03467 (ph 603 399-4815).

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2015 - Volume #39, Issue #4