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He Restored A Flex-Tred H Walk-Behind Garden Crawler
Last fall I restored a Flex-Tred H walk-behind garden crawler built in the early 1930’s by Vaughan Manufacturing in Portland, Oregon. I got the tractor in August of 2014. It had been stored for many years.
     The 5 hp, watercooled Vaughan engine wasn’t seized but it had no spark, and the tracks were seized as they had been sitting on the ground for a long time. I spent hours unseizing them and used heat, a lot of WD-40, and some persuasion with a hammer. The tracks show hardly any wear.
    The carburetor, which is made of white metal, was broken at the mounting so I had to replace it. The tractor still has the original wood plow handles, although I did have to replace a grip on one side. 
     The tractor has an open flywheel and the operator used a crank to start it. I’m more than 80 years old, so I made an electric starter out of a 12-volt battery and a car starter. Now it starts right up. I had fun bringing this tractor back to life and would like to sell it.  (Elmer Neufeld, 19 Elden St., P.O. Box 40, Unit A3, Virgil, Ontario, Canada L0S 1T0 (ph 905 468-0162;

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2015 - Volume #39, Issue #4