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Big Manure Auger Catching On Fast
"Our new 16-in. dia. manure auger loads semi-solid manure that's too liquid to load with a front-end loader but too solid to move with a liquid manure pump," says Don Sheahan, owner of Sheahan Mfg., Reedsville, Wis.
The 26-ft. long auger has a 30-in. long opening at the bottom end which is permanently anchored in a sump about 30 in. under the floor of the pit. Most of the manure in the pit drains by gravity into the auger. A loader can be used to scrape any remaining manure into the auger.
"The use of augers to load manure is just beginning to catch on in slurry-type storage facilities," says Sheahan, who has installed about 60 of his big augers in the last year.
"As far as I know we're the only company that offers a 16-in. dia., high capacity auger for loading manure. It can load a manure spreader three times as fast as a front-end loader. It loads 1,000 to 1,500 gal. per min. One benefit of using an auger, as compared to a liquid manure pump, is that manure doesn't have to be agitated before loading so you can haul manure for a half day or day at a time without a lot of fuss. Our auger sells for $110 per foot, plus $350 for the gearbox and pto shaft. Total cost is $3,000 to $3,600 depending on auger length."
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Sheahan Mfg. Co., 15807 San Road, Reedsville, Wis. 54230 (ph 414 754-4434).

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1991 - Volume #15, Issue #5