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Nozzle Equipped Gas Can
"I got tired of the mess and Clumsiness of using a funnel to refuel my garden tractor and other small engines," says Joseph Shearer, Genoa, Ill., who got the idea of attaching a fuel hose and gas pump nozzle to a 5-gal. can.
"I first installed a 3/8-in. dia. nipple across from the filler hole and attached a short length of hose to it, affixing a pump nozzle to the other end. I just loosen the filler hole to let air in and hold the can up horizontally. If I were going to make it commercially I'd put a handle on the filler hole side of the container to make it easier to hold horizontally, and I'd also make the can out of plastic to keep it lightweight."
Contact FARM SHOW Followup, Joseph Shearer, Rt. 1, Box 233, Genoa, Ill. 60135.

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1989 - Volume #13, Issue #1