Tie Down Brackets Fit Any Pickup
You'll like these handy new clip-on tie down brackets for pickups that help secure big loads.
"They're made from a plastic-nylon material that's actually stronger than steel. You can lift the rear of the pickup with them and they won't break," says distributor Vernon Bennett, Bennett Enterprises, Inc.
To install the "Mighty-Tie", as it's called, you just squeeze and insert into stake pockets on opposite sidewalls of pickup. It automatically locks itself into place. To remove, just squeeze and pull.
Mighty-Ties to fit any domestic pickup sell for $3.50 each.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Bennett Enterprises, Inc., 3900 N.E. 14th Street, Suite 18, Des Moines, Iowa 50313 (ph 515 265-2740).

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1987 - Volume #11, Issue #1