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Antique One-Pass Planting System
Ken Poppitz of Chaska, Minn., exhibited this 70-year-old one-pass planting system at a recent local antique tractor show.
    “It includes a moldboard plow, press, and grain drill, which was how many farmers planted back in the old days,” says Poppitz.
    He used a 1942 International Harvester Farmall H tractor to pull a 3-bottom, steel-wheeled IH 314 plow and a 4-ft. wide offset press, with a 4-ft. grain drill trailing behind.
    “The plow, press and drill are all connected in such a way that everything follows behind me like a freight train whenever I turn a corner in parades,” says Poppitz.
    “I got the plow from a local farmer a long time ago. It had sat around for years and got rusty, and now I’m trying to get the moldboards to scour. I got the press and drill from my wife’s cousin in South Dakota, who farmed with them for many years before bigger equipment came on the market. He seeded 300 to 350 acres every year with this set up and, with implements just 4 ft. wide, put a lot of long days in. Later on he bought a 10-ft. Deere drill and used it until just a few years ago.
    “Instead of going back and forth down the field, they plowed around the field in a big square and worked their way in toward the middle. Then the next year they started in the center of the field and worked their way out. Their fields were very big, and by using this plowing pattern they didn’t have any headlands to plow and no dead furrows in the field. That was the way they plowed until much bigger 4-WD tractors pulling bigger equipment came along.”
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Ken Poppitz, 522 Stoughton Ave., Chaska, Minn. 55318 (ph 952 448-2450).

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2015 - Volume #39, Issue #5