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Aluminum Can Crushing Machine
I'm sending along a photo of an aluminum can crushing machine I built out of miscellaneous parts. It consists of a large truck tire and wheel (weighs about 220 lbs.) that's turned at about about 70 rpm's by a 1/2 hp. electric motor salvaged from a washing machine. A friction roller mounted on the electric motor turns against the tire. The wheel turns a shaft connected to a round metal plate which drives a 5 by 12-in. piston with a 4 1/2-in. stroke. The piston compresses 2 to 3 cans at a time against a back plate that's spring loaded with heavy springs for safety. The two sides of the can-crushing piston are teflon coated making it quiet and easy to lubricate. A 1 hp. motor would work better but we used what we had available.

We use the can crusher, which mounts on wood skids, to recycle cans at local parish churches to buy food to give to the needy. (Jack P. Despins, 5222 Bransford Dr., Lapalma, Calif. 90623 (ph 714-523-9117)

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1992 - Volume #16, Issue #2