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Now You Can Buy Kochia Seed
The Kochia plant, normally considered a weed, is increasing in popularity as a forage crop for livestock, and seed is now available from a producer in Texas.
Mayo Duke, of Tulia, told FARM SHOW that he has several thousand pounds of seed available for purchase, but that demand is strong. He's had no trouble shipping the seed interstate or into Mexico, but has shipped none into Canada. However, he doesn't foresee any problem in shipping Kochia into Canada.
Duke's price on the seed is $8.75 a lb. "That really isn't expensive since it only takes a pound of Kochia seed per acre. And the crop reseeds itself each year, though it is not a perennial," Duke points out.
He feels Kochia will grow in about any state of the U.S. and beyond. It originated in the Dakotas, he says. The Texan started out with a 32-acrefield, grazing 200 ewes and lambs on it, then decided to turn his whole farm over to Kochia ù a half section. He suspects it will grow in about any kind of ground, from sandy loam to clay.
He knows of no other source for Kochia seed, which he claims is drouth resistant. "Protein and dry matter content are higher than alfalfa, without the attendant bloat problem sometimes associated with feeding alfalfa," he points out.
"Kochia adapts to both dryland and irrigated production.. Its early germination in the spring provides early grazing and helps stifle noxious plants. It puts up well as hay," he points out.
For further information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Mayo Duke, 633 North Gaines, Tulia, Tex. 79088 (ph 806 955-3343, or 955-2789).

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1981 - Volume #5, Issue #2