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Livestock Panel Connectors Make Fence Building Easier
“It’s a simple way to connect livestock panels to T-posts and wood posts. They work much faster than wire or cable ties and result in a stronger fence,” says Phillip Morrow, One Man Fencing, LLC, about his new Livestock Panel Connectors. 
  The Connectors are available in 2 different styles, one for T-posts and the other for wood posts.
  The T-post model clamps onto the post with a short bolt at one end. The other end has a split bolt that slides over the panel wire. The bolt rotates 360 degrees, allowing it to clamp vertical or horizontal wires. Each connector will hold 2 panels, so that where one panel ends the other begins to either continue down the row or make a corner or even a swinging gate.
  To install, tighten the clamp to the post, then place a nut on the split bolt and use a wrench to tighten it against the panel. Then place a rubber screw protector over the end of the bolt.
  The wood post connector works the same way except that it screws onto the post.
  “They’re easy to install and work equally well on hilly or level ground,” says Morrow. “Works great to fence in your livestock or to stake up garden produce such as beans, tomatoes, and other vines. The panel connectors let you tighten the fence into a rigid structure that will support a lot of weight, whereas wire, twine or cable ties can easily break.”
  The T-post Panel Connectors sell for $3 apiece plus S&H; wood post units sell for $2.50. Bulk pricing is available.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, One Man Fencing, LLC, 161 Issac Drive, Forest City, N.C. 28043 (ph 828 305-4177; www.onemanfencing.com; phillip.morrow@onemanfencing.com).

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2016 - Volume #40, Issue #2