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Tie-Down Bracket Makes Log Sawing Easier
After spending a day bending over while sawing firewood, LeRoy Momper of Fredonia, Wis., could feel it in his back. “There must be an easier way,” he said to his wife Mary.
    Then one day while he was picking up a log with the forks on his loader tractor, he got an idea. “Why not saw the log while it’s laying on the forks, so I can stand-up while sawing it,” he thought.
    The attachment he came up with keeps the log about 10 in. away from the back of the forks to prevent the chainsaw bar from contacting them. “Ratchet strapping the log to one of the fork tines prevents the log from falling off the forks, even if one end of the log is sawed to a shorter length than the other,” says Momper, who welded upright brackets to the forks with hooks to connect to the strap. “Also, strapping the log down allows me to safely cut the log down to a 16-in. length without the log moving.”
    He discovered some other advantages for the attachment, too. First, the tractor can be used to easily move the log to one location and then lift it to a comfortable height for stand-up sawing. Also, after the logs are sawed the pieces of firewood don’t have to be handled again because they drop off on a pile in one location, ready for splitting.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, LeRoy Momper, 215 Lawrence Street, Fredonia, Wis. 53021 (ph 414 331-2093; leemary66@gmail.com).

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2016 - Volume #40, Issue #2