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Egg Producers Call It The “Best Nest Box”
After setting up their first Rollaway Nest Box, Joe and Tammy Foose were instant believers. Egg production increased because there were almost no damaged eggs, and the eggs were not dirty, greatly reducing cleaning time. The couple was so impressed that they purchased more boxes from the local Ohio manufacturer and worked out an agreement with him to sell them.
  “We believe it is the best nest box in the U.S.,” Tammy Foose says. “The quality of materials, unique design and easy assembly sets it apart.”
  She admits first time buyers who are used to divided boxes are skeptical that their hens will adapt to a “community-style” box. Vinyl flap doors on the front provide the privacy, darkness and quiet hens prefer when laying eggs. And, Foose says, hens quickly adapt; multiple hens lay eggs in the 2 and 4-ft. boxes at the same time.
  The nests are comfortable, lined with cut-to-fit AstroTurf® Poultry Nesting Pads that can be removed easily and shaken or washed to clean. Eggs roll into the covered galvanized mesh egg tray so they stay clean and are out of the way when more hens lay eggs. Simply lift the cover to gather the eggs.
  The galvanized boxes work for birds on pasture or in coops and have an enclosed back so they can be used freestanding or mounted to a wall. The Fooses place them on bales in the greenhouse in the winter and on trailers in the summer for their pastured flock.
  “These boxes are so versatile. They can easily be converted from a front to a rear nesting box,” Foose says.
  Another great feature is the multi-purpose roost bar.
  “After the hens are done laying for the day, the roost bar can be closed, and the hens will be prevented from entering the box,” she says. “The bar can be opened after the chickens have roosted for the night.”
  The nesting boxes come in two sizes – 2 ft. for $170, which accommodates about 20 hens. Up to 50 hens share the 4-ft. model at $230. Discounts are offered for quantity purchases.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Tammy Foose, 7860 Brandywine Rd., Hudson, Ohio 44236 (ph 330 558-1120; www.bestnestbox.com; support@bestnestbox.com).

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2016 - Volume #40, Issue #2