2016 - Volume #40, Issue #2, Page #38
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Turn Your Cordless Drill Into A Mobile Drill Press
The Rapidrill can be used on everything from steel plate to C-channel to pipe. It aligns your drill at a right angle to the drilling surface. One end of the frame attaches to the collar of the drill to hold it steady, while a receiver tube at the other end is placed against the material to be drilled. The operator holds the drill with one hand and uses his other hand to pull down on a built-in lever that acts on a gear and sprocket system.
According to the company, the design provides your drill with more than 1,000 lbs. of additional force for powerful leverage at a perfect right angle, allowing precise control and making it much easier to drill. As you push down on the lever, it applies about 10 times as much force to the drill bit as you could without it.
The company claims you can drill a 1-in. dia. bit through 1/2-in. thick steel in less than 30 seconds, and a 1/2-in. dia. bit through 1/4-in. thick steel in just 10 to 15 seconds. And because you’re drilling at a true right angle, with constant increased pressure, you save on the life of your drill bits.
The Rapidrill is available online or at any Fastenal retailer in the U.S.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Rapidrill, LLC, 1233 S Old Hwy 91 Kanarraville, Utah 84742 (ph 855 993-7455; www.rapidrill.com; support@rapidrill.com).
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