Antique Tractor Seat Shop Stools
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I recently came up with a pair of antique tractor seat shop stools. One seat mounts on a car wheel base and swivels 360 degrees. The other seat bolts to the base of an old cream separator and remains stationary. I keep the cream separator-mounted stool in my shop. I haul the other swivel-style stool to car and antique tractor shows, where I can tip it on its side and easily roll it around.
To form the 360-degree swivel, I welded a 6-in. dia. metal plate to the wheel rim, then welded a pipe to the plate. I bolted a rod to the seat. The rod goes inside the pipe to form the swivel. I machined grooves in the rod so I can add grease to lubricate the swivel. A washer on the pipe serves as a wear point. (Dave Dam, 111 N. Buena Vista Rd., Eau Claire, Wis. 54703 (ph 715 450-2943;

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Antique Tractor Seat Shop Stools FARM SHOP Miscellaneous I recently came up with a pair of antique tractor seat shop stools One seat mounts on a car wheel base and swivels 360 degrees The other seat bolts to the base of an old cream separator and remains stationary I keep the cream separator-mounted stool in my shop I haul the other swivel-style stool to car and antique tractor shows where I can tip it on its side and easily roll it around To form the 360-degree swivel I welded a 6-in dia metal plate to the wheel rim then welded a pipe to the plate I bolted a rod to the seat The rod goes inside the pipe to form the swivel I machined grooves in the rod so I can add grease to lubricate the swivel A washer on the pipe serves as a wear point Dave Dam 111 N Buena Vista Rd Eau Claire Wis 54703 ph 715 450-2943; ddamwhistler@gmail com
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