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Spring-Loaded Draw Pin Puller
Any farmer who’s ever unhooked grain, silage or hay wagons during harvest knows the process requires a lot of time and steps during a busy day. Sasketchewan farmer Bob Eylofson found a way to make the unhooking process a whole lot easier. He built a simple device he calls the Farmland Pin Puller.
    Eylofson says the device saved him a lot of steps and he thought it was worth building for other farmers. He brought the idea to Troy Schimke of GroundUp Ag in North Dakota. Schimke had his engineer refine the design so it mounted easier, was adjustable for different length pins and folded when not in use.
    Now the refined Farmland Pin Puller is a metal frame, pulley and rope system with a universal mounting that fits most tractors. The puller frame is bolted to a tractor’s drawbar just in front of the hammerstrap. A vertical arm extends up from the mounting bracket and holds a horizontal cross bar. When the horizontal bar is extended above a draw pin and the puller is connected to the metal lift strap, it will automatically remove the pin, even when the operator is in the tractor.
    Eylofson and Schimke say the key to the Pin Puller’s workability is a compression spring located in the horizontal arm. Instead of moving the tractor back to loosen the pin, you simply hook onto the pin and when you move the tractor the pin is pulled by the spring-loaded puller and you drive away. The Pin Puller is adjustable vertically and horizontally to match different drawbar and drawpin configuations. The vertical and horizontal assembly are easy to remove when the puller isn’t being used.
    Schimke says several farmers who’ve bought the Pin Puller have told him it’s well worth the investment because it saves time and steps throughout harvest.
     Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, GroundUp Ag, 1113 Main St. W., Mayville, N. Dak. 58257 (ph 701 788-8811; www.groundupag.com).

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2016 - Volume #40, Issue #2