2016 - Volume #40, Issue #2, Page #44
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They Keep Little Pink Tractor In Their Living Room
“My wife loves it,” says Peterman. “Her only regret is that she can’t drive it.”
Peterman restores about 10 tractors a year for clients all around the country. He started painting tractors for his father 29 years ago at the age of 13. He also collects Massey Harris tractors. When he bought a Pony from a man in Wisconsin, Jennifer rode along to get it.
“I just fell in love with it,” she recalls. “I liked the size, and it was just an all-around cute tractor.”
Busy with restoration work for others, Peterman never quite got around to fixing up the Pony. Whenever they talked about it, he always promised to paint it pink when he restored it.
Five years ago at Christmas he surprised her with the restored tractor...painted her favorite pink color. The only condition, he added, was that it be kept in the house.
Peterman “house-trained” the Pony by draining out all liquids as he restored the tractor. It also has no battery. He used minimal lubrication on seals and motor parts. Given its climate-controlled surroundings, he isn’t worried about corrosion.
“Long story short, we have a pink Massey Harris Pony sitting in our living room,” says Jennifer. “We can enjoy it while sitting on the couch watching TV.”
The Pony has made a few trips out of the house. Jennifer displayed it at the Iowa State Fair, and it has gone to several other shows. They installed a set of swinging patio doors in the house that makes it easy to move the tractor in and out.
“A local store asked to display it for Breast Cancer Awareness Month,” says Dan. “It sat next to the produce section. That went over really big.”
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Rusty Acres Restoration, Rusty Acres Restoration 1057 180th St., Webster City, Iowa 50595 (ph 515 543-8641; www.rustyacresrestoration.com).
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