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Automatic Chaff Remover
We custom-bale about 8,000 tons of hay per year for 32 farmer-customers so we don't have a lot of time to spare. That's why we built an automatic chaff remover for our New Holland 2,000 baler. I got tired of having to stop to use an air hose to clear the knotters. I mounted three 12-volt, 176 cu. ft. per minute Dayton blowers on a 5 1/2-in. wide piece of 1/8-in. aluminum sheet metal rein-forced with a piece of angle iron. The whole assembly is sized to fit the opening to the knotters.
Now the blowers continuously clear chaff from the knotters as we move across fields, creating a cloud of chaff that makes the machine easy to spot from a distance. The only expense was for the blowers, which cost $39.95 each. I figure I got my total investment back within the first week after I started using the blowers. (A.L. Peterson, Hatch, New Mexico)

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1991 - Volume #15, Issue #6