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How To Wire A Trailer
Steve Nichols, Galesburg, Ill.: “When I wire a trailer, I have learned to wirenut the connector pigtails to the main wiring because the plug-in connector ends get corroded or damaged a lot. This way, I can just disconnect them easily and wirenut a new end onto the front of the trailer.
    “I do the same thing at the back of the trailer, wirenutting the lights from the taillights onto the main wiring so if I need to replace a light I can just remove the wirenuts and install a new light.
    “To protect the plug-ins when not using the trailer, I fasten an extra female connector (the part that goes on the vehicle) to the tongue of the trailer and plug the connector into it to keep it from corroding or ending up in the dirt.”

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2016 - Volume #40, Issue #4