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Camera-Assisted Loader Tractor
“When using the forks on my loader tractor to move pallets around, I often can’t see the ends of the forks as I’m picking up the pallet. I solved the problem by mounting a back-up camera on the loader frame behind the forks, and mounting a monitor in the cab. It saves a lot of trips getting on and off the tractor,” says Ted Lacy, Worley, Idaho.
  According to Lacy, the camera is especially helpful for seeing anything down low on the ground where the driver’s view normally is blocked. “The camera stays on my tractor all the time and sets far enough back that nothing can bump into it,” says Lacy. “The only limitation to the view is when the camera has to look into the morning sun. It also doesn’t help much when a pallet is sitting in tall grass or weeds.”
  He received the camera as a Father’s Day gift. “It’s a color camera, but a black and white model would work just as well,” says Lacy, who made small brackets for both the camera and monitor. “The camera and monitor both run off the tractor’s ignition through a switch in the cab, so when I turn off the ignition key, both the camera and monitor automatically shut off. If I need to run the tractor but don’t need to use the camera, I just flip a switch in the cab to shut power off to both the camera and monitor.”
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Ted Lacy, 26078 S. Drechsel Rd., Worley, Idaho 83876 (ph 208 231-5860; ted@lacyfarm.com).

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2017 - Volume #41, Issue #1