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Cadillac Of Weed Killers
They're calling it the "Cadillac" of weed wipers. It's the revolutionary new "Spot on Stripper", said to be "as easy on the environment as it is on the user."
Developed primarily for applying Roundup, it consists of a 15 liter back-pack tank and a first-of-its-kind dowsing wand. Connected to the unit by a spring balance, It's almost weightless. With a reach of 1.5 meters, the nozzle at the end of the dowsing wand dabs leaves so carefully that just 0.025 ml. of herbicide is used per leaf. The rate of application allows a 1.5 liter tankful of Roundup to treat about 60,000 weed plants.
Herbicide feeds by gravity from the back-pack container to the dowsing wand via a hose fitted with a roller clamp to regulate flow Late.
Thanks to the almost weightless spring balanced dowsing wand, and the relatively small amount of herbicide required, a person can walk through fields all day without getting unduly tired, the manufacturer points out.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Hanewacker & Za, Oude Oppenhuizerweg 34, 8606 JC Sneek, Postbus 180, 8600 AD Sneek, Holland (ph 05150, 20000).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2