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Robot Manure Vacuum Keeps Dairy Barns Clean
Netherlands-based Lely company has developed a manure robot, to vacuum up manure in dairy barns. It can even be controlled by a phone app.

    Dan Schreiner, Feed and Barn Manager for Lely North America, says the Discovery 120 was developed after Lely R&D teams listened to farmers’ concerns about managing manure on solid floor barns.

    Solid floor barns can leave cows standing in manure, which makes it harder to detect foot problems. Conventional barn cleaners tend to be noisy and disruptive to the cows. The Lely 120 System is much more quiet, and cows just step around it as it makes its rounds.

    The 120 Robot, which is about 2 ft. tall, 56 in. long and 47 in. wide, looks somewhat like a miniature ice rink Zamboni. Schreiner says it is basically a vacuum with 90 gal. of holding capacity. Water is sprayed out the front to add liquid to the manure, making it easier to vacuum. Water is sprayed out the back to make the floor less slippery after the machine passes. Both the front and rear water tanks are rubber bladders, which efficiently deflate to create more room for holding manure.

    When the cleaner is full it automatically returns to its docking station to empty out, refill its water tanks, and get recharged if necessary. A full recharge can be done in about 10 min. Schreiner says one machine can handle the cleaning needs of a 100-cow barn.

    The robot is initially taught its route by taking it through the perimeter of each cleaning zone. It then automatically calculates the cleaning area and is ready to work. It uses ultrasound and bump points along the route to navigate and avoid any obstacles. Its phone app can be used to change routes or adjust the amount of water spray.

    The Discovery 120 will have limited availability by the second half of 2017. Pricing isn’t yet available.         

    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Lely North America, 775 250th Ave., Pella, Iowa 50219 (ph 641 621-2700; www.lely.com)

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2017 - Volume #41, Issue #3