Flushing Device Cleans Irrigation Pipes
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Riggs Irrigation of Kansas has developed an automatic flushing device that cleans irrigation pipes at the beginning and end of every watering cycle. EndFlush is automatically activated and keeps pipes free of debris that can cause plugged sprinkler heads, irregular sprinkler patterns, and even structural failure.
Riggs says EndFlush is the only device that prevents buildup of sand and rust inside pipes.
EndFlush easily installs on any ag sprinkler system that has end pressure of 10 psi or more. Riggs says the device eliminates the need to manually open a valve or dump a sandtrap to clean a pipe. EndFlush is a patented product, made in the USA, that also eliminates lost time due to irrigation pipe malfunctions. The device easily flushes rust flakes as large as a quarter.
The EndFlush 3 for pipes with 15 PSI or more and the EndFlush 4 for low pressure, low gallon 10 PSI pressure both sell for $378.84 plus shipping direct from Riggs Irrigation.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Riggs Irrigation LLC, 405 W Sumner, Iuka, Kansas 67066 (ph 620 546-2527; www.riggsirrigation.com).
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Flushing Device Cleans Irrigation Pipes IRRIGATION Acessories Riggs Irrigation of Kansas has developed an automatic flushing device that cleans irrigation pipes at the beginning and end of every watering cycle EndFlush is automatically activated and keeps pipes free of debris that can cause plugged sprinkler heads irregular sprinkler patterns and even structural failure Riggs says EndFlush is the only device that prevents buildup of sand and rust inside pipes EndFlush easily installs on any ag sprinkler system that has end pressure of 10 psi or more Riggs says the device eliminates the need to manually open a valve or dump a sandtrap to clean a pipe EndFlush is a patented product made in the USA that also eliminates lost time due to irrigation pipe malfunctions The device easily flushes rust flakes as large as a quarter The EndFlush 3 for pipes with 15 PSI or more and the EndFlush 4 for low pressure low gallon 10 PSI pressure both sell for $378 84 plus shipping direct from Riggs Irrigation Contact: FARM SHOW Followup Riggs Irrigation LLC 405 W Sumner Iuka Kansas 67066 ph 620 546-2527; www riggsirrigation com
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