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Mig Welder Converted To Stick Arc Welder
Don Bragdon, London, Arkansas, recently sent FARM SHOW information about how he converted his old Mig welder to a stick welder.
  “The welding wire inside the plastic feed tube on my 20-year-old Harbor Freight Mig welder shorted out, melting the tube and making the welder unusable. A new replacement tube would have cost almost as much as a new welder,” says Bragdon. “Instead, I bought a new Mig welder for only $23 more than the cost of the replacement tube and then converted my old Mig to a stick welder. I use it to weld light gauge metal that’s 1/8 in. thick or less, using a 1/16 6013 welding rod. Works great.”
  Bragdon replaced the feed tube with a no. 12 hot wire, which he hooked up to the welder’s positive lead. He also removed the wire welder’s nozzle and replaced it with a welding rod holder. He did not modify the negative clamp at all.
  “It works exactly like a conventional stick welder. I just push a button to operate it,” says Bragdon. “I didn’t spend anything to make the conversion.”
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Don Bragdon, 426 Rnd. Mtn. Ln., London, Arkansas 72847 (ph 479 293-4256; bragdon@centurytel.net).

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2017 - Volume #41, Issue #4