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Wheelbarrow Tool, Equipment Tray
You can carry gardening or construction tools right on the handles of your wheel-barrow with this new tray that mounts on any wheelbarrow.
The Wheelbarrow SuperTray, as it's called, is made of tough recycled plastics and is 23 in. long by 11 1 /2 in. wide.
Basic model sells for $12 plus $2.50 S&H U.S., $3.50 Canada. FARM SHOW readers who order will receive a free pair of leather work gloves, says the manufacturer.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, West-ern CoPolymer, P.O. Box 2772, Orcutt, Calif. 93457-2772 (ph 805 934-7958).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #4