2017 - Volume #BFS, Issue #17, Page #62
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High-Priced Spanish Hogs Raised On Acorns
Black-hoofed Iberico hogs make some of the highest priced ham in the world. The rare breed, found only in Spain and Portugal, is pasture-raised and finished on acorns from oak trees.
  A medium to small-sized pig with dark hair and almost black hooves, the Iberico hog is known for its intramuscular fat, which makes the meat juicy and flavorful. Finishing on acorns with natural unsaturated fats turns the ham creamy with a nutty flavor. Long curing reportedly takes it to another level.
  The ham is available in 4 grades. The highest grade cured ham, Jamon Iberico de Bellota, sells in specialty food stores in the U.S. for as much as $72.95 for 3 oz. of paper thin slices hand cut by a master meat carver. Whole hams can range from $750 to $1,200 for a 14 to 15-lb. ham. That price may seem less out of line when you consider the work involved, not only in pasture production, but also in a centuries-old curing process that can last 4 years or more.
  One company describes their process as having 5 stages: salting, washing, settling, drying and ripening, aging and tasting.
  During the curing process, the hams lose almost half their weight. The traditional process allows natural outside air into the curing room, giving ham from different areas a local flavor. Over the years, the variation in warm and cool weather breaks down muscle fibers, tissue and fat, releasing monounsaturated fats high in oleic acid. Iberico ham has been shown to contain about 55 percent oleic acid. The only natural fat higher in heart healthy oleic acid is olive oil.
  Although the Iberico is one of the oldest breeds and can be seen in pre-Neolithic cave paintings, it is extremely rare today and not found in North America. The Ossabaw hog from Ossabaw Island, Ga., are sometimes thought to be descended from Iberian hogs. However, DNA sampling has revealed that the Ossabaw are related to Asian pigs, not European.
  If you search the internet you’ll find a wide variety of sources for the hogs, including Iberian Pork Products, a Spanish producer. To try them out, check out La Tienda, a specialty food store in Virginia.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Iberian Pork Products, C/ Ciudad Real, 83;
28600 Navalcarnero, Madrid, Spain (ph 34 91 8132779; www.iberianporkproducts.com); or La Tienda, 1325 Jamestown Rd., Williamsburg, Va. 23185 (ph 757 253-1925; catalog request ph 888 331-4362; www.tienda.com).

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2017 - Volume #BFS, Issue #17