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Backhoe-Mounted Limbinator
Verlis Smith bought a Limbinator hydraulic saw to remove the high limbs on trees around his pasture (www.northerntool.com). But instead of mounting it on a tractor bucket, he attached it to the back of a Kubota backhoe bucket that he uses for all kinds of jobs on his McCrory, Ark., farm.
  “I can cut limbs almost 30 ft. off the ground,” Smith says.
  He admits the dealership where he bought the backhoe was surprised by his request to come up with a bracket to mount the Limbinator on the new KX71 Kubota rubber-tracked excavator Smith ordered.
  The dealership split the $500 cost of the modification because they were eager to try it, Smith says. The mechanic replaced the two hydraulic hoses with a two-way valve on the boom of the excavator and hooked it up to couplings.
  “I just flip the valve and the backhoe thumb runs the saw,” Smith says. “It runs fast at 5,000 rpm’s. It cuts a 10-in. limb in about 20 seconds. It stays sharp because there is no dirt or rocks up there.”
  The backhoe-mounted Limbinator got its trial run at the dealership where a mechanic tested it cutting limbs around the shop. Smith’s first job with it was clearing out an area where he planned to dig a pond.
  “I’m very well pleased with it,” Smith says, noting it would also be handy on a skidsteer or tractor as it is intended to be used. “I just wanted to reach higher.”
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Verlis Smith, 2108 Woodruff 775, McCrory, Arkansas 72101 (ph 870 347-2667; verlis@centurytel.net).

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2017 - Volume #41, Issue #5