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Farmall Triple Tractor Hook-Up
“It was a lot of fun to build and always draws a lot of attention at shows and parades,” says Buddy Woodson of Eagleville, Tenn., about the triple tractor he made out of 3 Farmall A’s. The tractors used range from 1939 to 1946, all of which were completely restored.
    “I modeled it after one built by a friend, DeWitt Stewart in Bugaloosa, Louisiana, who had his tractor featured in FARM SHOW nearly 15 years ago (Vol. 27, No. 3),” says Woodson. “Stewart brought it to a show close to where I live, and I fell in love with it. I always said that if I ever retired and had time to build a tractor like his, I would.”
     Woodson mounted the three Farmall A’s together on a frame with a single front axle and a single set of rear wheels. The triple tractor will operate on a single engine or a combination of any one, two or three. All three governors are tied to one throttle to control the engine speeds.
    “I use two clutch pedals to make the tractor easier to drive in parades, since all three engines tied to one pedal proved to be too hard to operate for my recently replaced hip,” says Woodson. “The center engine is controlled by the original pedal, and the outward engines are connected to the second pedal. All brakes are connected to a third pedal since I didn’t need individual turning brakes on this tractor.”
     The tractor has two seats, two steering wheels and two sets of pedals. “Only one steering wheel is operational, since connecting both would cause binding,” says Woodson.
    The tractor has 3 transmissions and 3 differentials. Woodson built a longer front axle and differential axles to connect the transmissions internally. “I used a solid square shaft through the tractors’ front cultivator brackets in order to keep the tractors in the proper position,” he says. “The original rear axle housings bolted right up to the transmissions. I only use one set of rear tires so the entire triple tractor measures only 89 in. wide. 
    “We really enjoy taking it to tractor shows and listening to people try to figure it out,” says Woodson. “I also built a double tractor hookup out of two Farmall 20’s, a LoBoy A Farmall, and an airport tug tractor using IH parts.”        
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Buddy Woodson, 13637 Hwy. 99, Eagleville, Tenn. 37060 (ph 615 289-3901; buddy.woodson@comcast.net).

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2017 - Volume #41, Issue #5