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Quick-Tach Mounting Plate Makes Mower Service Easy
“I bought a skid loader quick-tach universal mounting plate and bolted it onto the deck of my 3-pt. mounted, 6-ft. finishing mower. It lets me disconnect the mower from the 3-pt. hitch and raise the deck up off the ground so I can service the blades safely while standing up,” says Darry Markle, Claresholm, Alberta.
    Markle paid $160 (Canadian) for the quick-tach mounting plate and bolted it to the back side of the mower deck. “I had to drill a couple of holes in the plate and bolt on metal brackets to make it work,” he says. “The mounting plate can be left on the mower without interfering with its normal operation. And it can be quickly detached if I ever want to sell the mower.
    “It’s a lot safer than laying on the ground under the mower while it’s connected to the tractor’s 3-pt. hitch. And there’s no need to block the mower to make sure it doesn’t fall on me. I think the same idea would work with a loader tractor equipped with a skid loader-style quick-tach mounting plate.”
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Darry Markle, P.O. Box 2199, Claresholm, Alberta Canada T0L 0T0 (ph 403 489-1956; darrymarkle@gmail.com).

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2017 - Volume #41, Issue #5