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Drip-Proof Your Grease Gun
This new grease gun cap collects grease that drips from your grease gun and also acts as a priming bulb and dust cover.

    It’s designed to fit battery-powered grease guns as well as manually pumped guns. It’s custom molded from heavy-duty, mold-resistant nytro rubber and slides over the barrel of the grease gun.

    You can use the cap to prime the grease gun by pressing against the bottom of it to move the grease up into the cone. When you want to change the cartridge, just remove the Gundom and wipe it out and then put it back.

    One advantage is that it fits snugly to collect drips when you’re working with the grease gun or when it’s being stored. It also protects contaminants from getting into the grease if you accidentally drop the gun in dirt.

    Available in 2 sizes. The magnum fits grease guns with a 14-oz. cartridge and the mini fits guns with a 3-oz. cartridge. Both models sell on www.locknlube.com.

    It comes in 5 different colors - red, blue, yellow, green and orange. The different colors can be used to identify the grade of grease in the grease gun.    

    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Michael Koch, Deep Fork Machine, Inc., 18100 E. Coffee Creek Rd., Luther, Okla. 73054 (mike@deepforkmachine.com)

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2017 - Volume #41, Issue #5