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T3 Driver Puts Posts In Fast
You can pound in T-posts or pipes up to 3-in. dia. with as many as 6 strokes per second with Danuser’s recently improved T3 Driver.
  “The biggest change is that it has a built-in manifold to regulate flow. The operator simply turns on the hydraulic flow once the driver is on the post, and it starts pounding. There is no need to reset anything, so it’s easier to use than the first generation. We also beefed up the housing with more bolts that are larger in diameter,” says Shane Kincaid, sales and customer service for Danuser.
  With farmers, ranchers, property owners, and commercial fencers in mind, the driver can be adapted to use on all types of equipment including skidsteers, tractors, and backhoes. Several mounting options are available, including an offset skid-steer quick attach with hose extensions, so the vehicle carries the weight, and the operator can drive parallel to the fence line.
  The driver weighs 86 lbs. and has a floating strike plate inside that protects the tops of posts. The Driver works most efficiently in hydraulic ranges between 1,500 to 3,000 psi and 15 to 30 gpm.
  The T3 Driver is available through Danuser’s dealer network or by contacting the company.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Danuser Machine Co., Inc., 500 E. 3rd St., P.O. Box 368, Fulton, Mo. 65251 (ph 573 642-2246; www.danuser.com).

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2017 - Volume #41, Issue #6