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He Cleans Rain Gutters Without Climbing Ladders
“It keeps me off the ladder,” says Bob Manzke about his pvc contraption to blow leaves out of his home’s rain gutters. At 74, he decided it was smarter to avoid heights and do the job from the ground.
    The setup is simple - a 10-ft. length of 1 1/2-in. pvc pipe (that fits into his leaf blower with a 2-in. adapter) and two 90-degree elbows with a short piece of PVC in between.
    “I heated the end (of the pvc pipe) with a torch and flattened it with a vise. I hold it over the gutter and point it at an angle to blow out the leaves,” Manzke says.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Bob Manzke, Sunnybook Farm, N8646 Miller Rd., Seymour, Wis. 54165 (sunnybook@aol.com).

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2017 - Volume #41, Issue #6