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Nifty Way To Plant Garden Seeds
The “Sow Perfect Seeder” is a precision seeding tool that lets you plant anywhere from 6 to 9 seeds at a time while spacing them 1 1/2 to 2 in. apart. It makes thinning unnecessary and also works great to plant small seeds into trays for starting plants indoors.
    Made from UV-hardened ABS plastic, the system consists of a 15-in. long, 4-in. wide seed tray with a channel running down the center and a set of three 18-in. long, 1 1/2-in. wide paddles that fit flat into the channel in the seed tray. The paddles each have series of evenly spaced holes on both sides.
    You select a paddle to put into the channel on the seed tray. Then pour seeds onto whichever side of the tray you want to use and tip the tray to shift seeds onto the paddle until there’s one seed in each hole. Then remove the paddle from the tray, and turn it upside down over the furrow or flat to dump the seeds out.
    When you’re done planting, just remove the paddle, shift the seed to the center of the tray, and pour it back into the packet or other container for future use.
    The 3 paddles each have different size holes for different sizes of seed. There are hole choices for seed on both sides of the paddle, giving you 12 different planting options.
    “The Sow Perfect Seeder lets you space seeds evenly for better growth, and saves work by eliminating the need to do any thinning. It works fast and makes planting a lot of fun,” says inventor Kirk Neetz. “It doesn’t waste seed, and has no moving parts that can break, rust or corrode. We introduced the seeder last summer and customers have already used it to plant more than 50 different varieties of seeds.
    “It works on almost any kind of seed, from the largest peas to almost dust-like portulaca flower seed that’s near microscopic in size.
    “You can plant anywhere from 6 to 9 seeds at a time, depending on the paddle you use. Paddles with 6 holes are primarily designed to plant into a 72 or 126-cell tray when starting seed indoors. Paddles with 7 or 9 holes work great to plant onion, radish, beet seeds and so forth directly into a garden.”
    You can watch a video of the Sow Perfect Seeder on the company’s website or by searching for “migardener” on Youtube.
    It sells for $18.75 plus $8 S&H. Add $12 S&H for 2 seeders.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Sow Perfect Seeder Co.(ph 630-243-1277; www.sowperfectseeder.com).

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2018 - Volume #42, Issue #1