Homemade "Yard Art"
A couple years ago I started making “yard art” from stuff I had laying around, and people really get a kick out of it. I made a giant turtle and a lady bug by cutting off both ends of a 1,000-gal. propane tank. I also turned the dash from an old Deere 2-cyl. tractor into an attractive table lamp.
The lady bug is painted red and black with welded-on legs and feet made from 6-in. dia. metal discs. Another disc painted yellow forms the head. Washers painted white and black form the eyes, and a pair of welding rods serve as the bug’s antennae.
I used the auger flighting off an old IH combine to form the turtle’s legs and welded metal discs on to make the feet. A welded-on pipe serves as the neck and is split open at one end to form the mouth. (Kenneth Stonecipher, 20521 S. U.S. 421, LaCrosse, Ind. 46348 ph 219 754-2497; knstonecipher@frontier.com)
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Homemade Yard Art FARM HOME recreation A couple years ago I started making “yard art” from stuff I had laying around and people really get a kick out of it I made a giant turtle and a lady bug by cutting off both ends of a 1 000-gal propane tank I also turned the dash from an old Deere 2-cyl tractor into an attractive table lamp
The lady bug is painted red and black with welded-on legs and feet made from 6-in dia metal discs Another disc painted yellow forms the head Washers painted white and black form the eyes and a pair of welding rods serve as the bug’s antennae
I used the auger flighting off an old IH combine to form the turtle’s legs and welded metal discs on to make the feet A welded-on pipe serves as the neck and is split open at one end to form the mouth Kenneth Stonecipher 20521 S U S 421 LaCrosse Ind 46348 ph 219 754-2497; knstonecipher@frontier com
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