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Self-Contained Hydraulic Add-On Kit
Need an extra hydraulic valve on your tractor but don’t want to spend a fortune? Adding an auxiliary valve is quick and easy with the Hydraulic Squid from Bucket Solutions.
  The new hydraulic add-on kit includes a pump, multi-functional manifold, reservoir and control valves with power up/power down circuit. All that is needed is a 12-volt power supply. A 2-in. bore, 6-in. cylinder is included for mounting as needed.
  “It can be used anywhere you need extra hydraulic power, whether on a tractor, skid steer or fork lift,” says Ted McSherry, Bucket Solutions. “It is an easy way to add a forward or rear auxiliary remote.”
  Tractors under 50 hp. are often equipped with only 2 remotes. This makes it difficult and expensive to add a grapple or other attachment.
  “I’ve been given estimates of $2,500 to $4,300 to add auxiliary hydraulics to a Kubota tractor,” reports McSherry. “The Squid with its cylinder sells for $995.”
  The patent pending Squid is not only lower cost, but makes adding auxiliary power easy. McSherry suggests mounting it under the joystick for the loader. Hoses can then be run to wherever the cylinder is needed.
  “In an hour or two, you can be ready to go with a grapple, post puller or other attachments requiring a 2,500 psi hydraulic cylinder. Switch out your toplink with the cylinder and you’ve got down pressure on your 3-pt. hitch.”
  The Squid’s 3-liter reservoir provides adequate flow to the 2,900 psi gear pump powered by a 2 hp. 12-volt DC motor. The kit also includes a 2-button remote with 2 hydraulic hoses and fittings.
  McSherry points out the Squid is also an easy way to add hydraulic power to an ATV or UTV for a powered snow blade, loader, or other attachments.
  While currently intended for use with a hydraulic cylinder, McSherry says the company is working on other hydraulic applications.
  “We want to have them perfected before we introduce, them,” he says.
  To see the Squid operating a grapple fork, watch the video at FARMSHOW.com.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Bucket Solutions, 3440 Youngfield St. #403, Wheat Ridge, Colo. 80033 (ph 720 327-4598; toll free 866 992-2333; www.bucketsolutions.com).

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2018 - Volume #42, Issue #2