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Wheelbarrow Mounted To Mower
“Last summer I dreamt that I was pushing a wheelbarrow with my zero-turn riding mower, moving dirt from one place to another. The dream was so vivid that I scribbled down some plans and started building it the next day,” says Allen Hernke, Cannon Falls, Minn.
    He started by removing the front wheel from an old Century 4-cu. ft. wheelbarrow and replacing it with two small wheels about the size of those on his zero-turn mower. Two carriage bolts through the floor of the hopper held the axle in place. To pull or push the rig, he made a 5-ft. long hitch out of 2 by 2-in. tube steel. One end attaches to the axle under the hopper and the other attaches to a 1 5/8-in. ball on the mower. That ball is mounted on a piece of 1 1/2-in. tube steel secured with bolt clamps to the frame of his Toro lawn mower.
    “The mower pushed or pulled the wheelbarrow just fine when it was empty, but full of dirt it tipped over real easy,” Hernke says. “I fixed that by removing those small wheels and replacing them with two 15-in. wheels from an old corn elevator. Now the hopper rides quite a bit higher and it doesn’t tip at all.”
    One person dumps the wheelbarrow by lifting on the handles after removing a pin on the C bracket that straddles the hitch.
    “The Barrow Buggy sure makes dirt moving a lot easier than pushing a full load by hand,” says Hernke. “We used it last summer to raise and level about 200 gravestones at our church’s cemetery. Before I made this rig we used a skid steer, but that left tracks between the monuments. We don’t have that problem with this because it’s a lot smaller, but just as handy.”
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Allen Hernke, 37020 County 1 Blvd., Cannon Falls, Minn. 55009 (ph 507 263-5624).

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2018 - Volume #42, Issue #2